
Thursday, 28 March 2024

Understanding Intersectionality: The Core of Our Woke Ideology



Intersectionality is a concept that has become increasingly prominent in discussions surrounding social justice and activism, particularly within the framework of wokeness.

Coined by legal scholar KimberlĂ© Crenshaw in 1989, intersectionality refers to the interconnected nature of social identities, such as race, gender, sexuality, class, and ability, and how these intersecting axes of identity shape individuals' experiences of privilege and oppression. 

Further, we will analyze the significance of intersectionality as the core tenet of wokeness, examining its theoretical foundations, practical applications, and transformative potential in advancing social justice.

At its essence, intersectionality challenges simplistic understandings of oppression by recognizing that individuals occupy multiple social positions simultaneously, each of which interacts with and compounds upon the others to shape their lived experiences. For example, a Black woman may face discrimination not only based on her race but also on her gender, with these forms of oppression intersecting to create unique challenges and barriers to equality. Intersectionality acknowledges the complexity of identity and emphasizes the importance of considering the overlapping and intersecting nature of privilege and marginalization.

Intersectionality serves as a foundational concept within the framework of wokeness, which seeks to raise awareness of systemic inequalities and promote social change. By centering intersectionality, wokeness acknowledges

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

How To Be Woke and Fight For Justice


Time for action

We've come across an amazing website: Common Dreams.

Common Dreams, an independent news outlet that has been serving its readers since 1997 with a unique new media model. Common Dreams operates as a reader-supported nonprofit newsroom, dedicated to bringing you the most crucial news stories of the moment.


Their mission is to keep millions of readers well-informed, inspired, and engaged with free online journalism. The staff believe that real change is possible when informed and passionate individuals demand it collectively. Kudos!

The Common Dreams news team is dedicated to delivering independent reporting that you can rely on every day. They cover breaking news, offer insightful views, share videos, and publish press releases, all centered on issues important to progressives worldwide. Their goal is to present this information in a straightforward and accessible format, free from distractions like pop-ups or advertising.

Advocate for equality

These people hold dear the progressive values of social justice, human rights, equality, and peace, which are shared by our readers. Alongside providing trusted news coverage, theu aim to encourage critical thinking and civic action on a wide range of social, economic, and civil rights issues affecting individuals and communities.


Their community consists of hundreds of thousands of writers, activists, and everyday citizens who believe in the possibility of a better world. Common Dreams serves as a platform for this robust and vibrant community, providing an alternative to commercial media and amplifying voices fighting for a brighter future worldwide.

We strongly recommend Common Dreams as a reliable and independent source of information. Stay Strong and fight the good fight!

Image by Freepik

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Examples Regarding Faulty Woke Actions


Woke manifesto clenched fist

“Get woke, go broke” has been a catchphrase for several years.

Yet the people at the top of major corporations and government agencies keep, well, getting woke and going broke.

Which makes me wonder why. 

Read full article here

These are definitely  'How not to' type of actions performed by decision makers (CEOs, boards of directors, boards of trustees, etc.). Following the path of making an easy dollar, these people simply justified their actions by being 'woke', when they actually have other hidden motivations. 

Such actions only cast a shadow on wokeness, and this means that we need to pay more attention to detail and call out these individuals whenever they are at fault.

Friday, 22 March 2024

Wokeness in Practice: Bridging Theory with Action for Social Change


Act now

In recent years, the concept of "wokeness" has gained significant traction in social and political discourse, representing a heightened awareness of systemic injustices and a commitment to challenging oppressive structures.

While discussions around wokeness often center on theoretical frameworks and ideological debates, its true impact lies in the translation of these ideas into tangible actions for social change. What we are trying to do here is to explore the practical dimensions of wokeness, examining how individuals and communities can move beyond rhetoric to enact meaningful transformations in society.

Understanding Wokeness: A Framework for Social Justice

At its core, our movement is rooted in the recognition of systemic inequalities and the imperative to address them through activism and advocacy. Drawing on critical theories of race, gender, and class, wokeness seeks to dismantle oppressive structures and create a more just and equitable society for all. This involves acknowledging privilege, confronting bias, and centering the experiences and voices of marginalized communities in efforts to effect change.

From Awareness to Action: Strategies for Social Transformation

We call for a multifaceted approach to social change that encompasses both individual and collective action. On an individual level, wokeness entails self-reflection, education, and allyship, as we strive to unlearn harmful attitudes and behaviors and become advocates for justice and equality. This may involve

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Why the world hates wokeness

woke fear change


Analyzing the reasons why "wokeness" is met with resistance or even hostility from certain segments of society requires a nuanced understanding of the term itself and the socio-political context in which it operates.

Like we stated before, "Wokeness" refers to a heightened awareness of social injustices and a commitment to addressing systemic inequalities, particularly regarding race, gender, sexuality, and other marginalized identities. While we view it as a necessary tool for social progress and equity, critics often cite various reasons for their opposition. We’ve put together some of the underlying factors contributing to why parts of the world may reject or harbor animosity towards our "wokeness":

Perceived Threat to Status Quo

One reason for resistance to wokeness is we are perceived as threat it poses to existing power structures and societal norms. Those who benefit from the status quo, whether in terms of privilege or influence, may resist efforts to challenge or dismantle systems of oppression that uphold their position. They don’t want us fighting for our rights.

Fear of Change

Change can be unsettling, especially when it challenges deeply ingrained beliefs or social hierarchies. We call for reexamining long-held assumptions and acknowledging uncomfortable truths about systemic injustices, which can evoke fear and resistance among those invested in maintaining the status quo. We want to receive answers to our questions and this makes us unwanted.

Misunderstanding and Misrepresentation:

Wokeness is often misunderstood or misrepresented, leading to misconceptions and backlash. Critics may portray our movement as synonymous with "political correctness" or "cancel culture," overlooking our

Monday, 11 March 2024

Unraveling Wokeness: A Philosophical Inquiry into Contemporary Social Awareness

Philosopher bust books

The term "wokeness" has permeated contemporary discourse, signifying a heightened awareness of social injustices and inequalities.


From a philosophical perspective, the concept of wokeness embodies a commitment to social consciousness and the pursuit of justice. In this article, I'll try to explore the philosophical underpinnings of wokeness, examining its roots, evolution, and implications for society.

The Philosophical Foundations:

Wokeness can be traced back to philosophical ideologies that challenge traditional power structures and advocate for the recognition of marginalized voices. Drawing inspiration from critical theories such as feminism, critical race theory, and postcolonialism, wokeness seeks to dismantle ingrained systems of oppression and promote inclusivity.

Intersectionality: In my opinion, Wokeness, at its core, aligns with the philosophy of intersectionality, acknowledging that individuals can experience multiple layers of oppression based on their race, gender, sexuality, and other identity markers. Philosopher KimberlĂ© Crenshaw's concept of intersectionality emphasizes the interconnectedness of various forms of discrimination, urging a more nuanced understanding of social issues.

Critical Consciousness: The philosophy of wokeness echoes Paulo Freire's concept of critical consciousness. Wokeness encourages individuals to critically examine societal structures, question prevailing norms, and develop an acute awareness of systemic injustices. This philosophical stance propels

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Republicans Wield the Term 'Wokeism' Against the Left

Republicans vs left

Republicans wield the term 'Wokeism' against the left, yet grapple with its definition.

In contemporary political discourse, Republicans have strategically wielded the term 'wokeism' as a rhetorical weapon against the left. However, a notable challenge arises as they attempt to articulate a clear and consistent definition of this term.

The concept of 'wokeism' serves as a focal point in conservative critiques, yet the lack of a universally agreed-upon definition raises questions about the precision and coherence of its application in political discourse.

This is why we are struggling to create a set of universal 'Woke' rules and strategy in order to be able to combat confusion and fight soocial injustice. We need a woke ideology in order to create a clear frame for future actions.

Image by Freepik

The Future Evolution of Cancel Culture: Accountability or Stagnation?

  As cancel culture continues to grow, its future remains uncertain. On one hand, its rise has led to significant social change, allowing ma...